Our Family

Our Family

Monday, January 23, 2012

Learning all the time

Since I last wrote about us starting "school"  again I have learned a few things. 
 If we dont get to something I had in mind to do it will still be there the next day.
Learning happens ALL the time. You learn something new every day.
All of my kids learn in different ways.
IF somethings NOT working I need to Quit doing it and try something else with them.
My kids are sometimes moody, and they have "bad " days too.. just like I do. I just need to accept it and move on.
Reading to my kids is the best thing I can do for their education and our relationship.
I have to make Bible lessons number ONE over anything else I teach or else Im not doing my job as a mother.
I love being with my kids more than I like working out side the home. (and I love being a Dental Assistant)
My kids are growing up WAY to fast and Im glad I have lots of time to spend with them.
Homeschooling is Gods plan for our family and Im so glad I am blessed to be doing it.