Our Family

Our Family

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Sturgeon kids at Easter 2012

Look how tall they are

Up date on Family

Spring is finally here.. I love sitting out side and watching the birds and butterflys. We have a nest in a bird house on our front porch. we all got to peek in on them last night.. theres 5 babies.  we got to watch the mom and dad built the nest a few weeks ago. It was very educational and fun to watch. My kids are growing like weeds.  Hannah is now 12 and shes taller than me and has a foot larger than mine.  Courtney age 14 is the same height as me and also has a foot larger than mine.  I cant believe how time flys... boy does it fly.. Josiah will be 6 in 5 weeks.  He has been talking about his birthday since January. to the point of annoying me..!!  He too has gotten so much taller and very skinny.. no more babyfat on him. :(   well  I say its time to adopt another baby.. LOL!  Mia is alot bigger as well .. she is now a year old.  Scout and Mia love to play together but they are to wild  so we keep them apart most of the time. Mia is a sweet dog...she Loves attention and is very hyper. she also is very protective of her yard and family.  Our golf cart is finally fixed after sitting for two years. The girls are tearing up the yard driving that thing around!! The kids have already been in the Lake twice recently and its not even May yet.  Im busy with my new business JUJUBELLE  and forming a new Ministry called Graysons Gift Ministries which I also write a blog about.  Thats a short update on the Sturgeon 7.